<aside> 🚧 Captcha4 is in development, which means that some areas are not yet defined or may change over time.


What is Captcha4? (Elevator-Pitch)

Captcha4 provides an additional security mechanism against attacks from bots and ensures that a human is interacting with your product by providing an easy way to generate and verify captcha challenges.

Captcha4 Unique Selling Point (USP)

Captcha4 focuses on captcha creation and configuration. It does not track user data and offers an API-first approach which makes it easy to integrate with existing systems.

What is a Captcha?

Captcha is a short form for “completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart” and is a mechanism that prevents bots and ensures that the interaction comes from a human. Most of the time, it's a puzzle that only humans can solve, and it's hard for bots to overcome these challenges.



Proof of Concept

Roadmap & Status


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